Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility)

Scale enterprise workloads with ease using a fully managed native JSON document database

Benefits of Amazon DocumentDB

Develop and evolve applications faster by storing, querying, indexing, and aggregating data, including vectors, in the same flexible JSON format that is generated in your applications.

Scale to millions of document read and write requests per second with petabytes of storage by scaling compute and storage independently.


Gain enterprise capabilities such as high availability, durability, low-latency global reads, and built-in security best practices while using existing MongoDB APIs, drivers, and tools.

Improve productivity and lower total cost of ownership with a fully managed database that removes undifferentiated manual database management tasks without licensing fees.

How it works

Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) is a fully managed native JSON document database that makes it easy and cost effective to operate critical document workloads at virtually any scale without managing infrastructure. Amazon DocumentDB simplifies your architecture by providing built-in security best practices, continuous backups, and native integrations with other AWS services. You can enhance your applications with generative artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) capabilities using vector search for Amazon DocumentDB and integration with Amazon SageMaker Canvas.

Use cases

Improve the customer experience through fast, reliable access to reviews, images, and other content stored in your content management system (CMS).

Generate customer recommendations and enable online transactions. Manage millions of user profiles and preferences.

Build applications that scale to process millions of user requests per second with low-latency global reads.

Unlock a wide range of use cases including semantic search experiences, product
recommendations, personalization, chatbots, and more.

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