Application Pattern Orchestrator on AWS

Establish and manage an internal catalog of reusable, repeatable, well-architected, secure-by-design, and production-ready cloud infrastructure patterns


Application Pattern Orchestrator on AWS is a one-click AWS Solution that helps to establish an automated framework to publish, govern, and maintain reusable, well-architected, secure-by-design, and production-ready application patterns for use by engineering teams in your organization.

It offers a set of integrated capabilities that facilitates decentralized contribution of application patterns, automated validation of pattern compliance with organizational policies, as well as central, unified discoverability.

What's new

To find out about other new features, refer to the Revisions page.


Self-service, and low-touch developer-friendly experience

Facilitate contribution of application patterns from your distributed engineering teams in a decentralized manner. Reduce reliance on central teams and improve overall productivity through automatic validation of basic compliance checks.

Drive consistency and standardization of controls across your organization

Use patterns and incorporate guardrails for new applications at scale. Automatically validate pattern security, architecture, and compliance against organization-specific policy-as-code.

Central discovery of approved application patterns

Allow engineering teams to browse and search for patterns through a centrally accessible user interface built for application developers. Automatically notify users of new patterns and updates to existing patterns.

Integrated with AWS Service Catalog and Code Artifact

Orchestrate end-to-end publishing of approved patterns to customizable destinations with out-of-the-box support for AWS Service Catalog for AWS CloudFormation-based patterns and AWS CodeArtifact for AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)-based patterns.

Technical details

You can automatically deploy this architecture using the implementation guide and the accompanying AWS CloudFormation template.

Once deployed, access the application through a standalone user interface.

Learn more about using the solution’s web UI and the APIs.

Deployment options
Ready to get started?

Note: Before you launch the solution in the AWS Management Console, ensure that you meet the prerequisites in the implementation guide.

Need help? Deploy with a partner.
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