Why IVS?


Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS) offers pay-as-you-go pricing. For Low-Latency Streaming, you pay for the total duration of video input to a channel and the total duration of video output delivered to your viewers from a channel. For Real-Time Streaming, you pay for the duration of participant hours for each host or viewer connected to a stage resource. For the Chat feature, you pay for the number of messages sent and delivered.

Free Tier

Upon initial sign-up for an AWS account, each month for the first 12 months new AWS customers receive:

  • Five hours of live video input for a basic channel and 100 hours of audio-only or SD live video output per month
  • 20 participant hours per month
  • Five hours of server-side composition encoding per month
  • 13,500 messages sent and 270,000 messages delivered per month

Discounted pricing

If you plan to use high volumes and are willing to make certain minimum commits, discounted pricing is available.

Contact us

Resolutions for Amazon Interactive Video Service are defined as:

Standard Definition (SD) is less than or equal to 480 resolution
High Definition (HD) is more than 480, but less than or equal to 720 resolution
Full High Definition (Full HD) is more than 720, but less than or equal to 1080 resolution

Low-Latency Streaming

Live Video Input Costs

For video input with Low-Latency Streaming, you pay an hourly rate for video you send to Amazon IVS. Hourly rates vary by channel type (advanced HD, advanced SD, standard or basic). For advanced and standard channel types, Amazon IVS generates a range of different quality outputs from the original input which are designed to provide viewers the best experience for their device and network conditions.

The standard channel type also has a cost-saving mode called Multitrack Video. When enabled, you send multiple video quality versions directly from your device and are charged a lower price as Amazon IVS does not need to generate these versions. See “What is Multitrack Video and how does it benefit live-streaming platforms, creators and viewers?” FAQ for more details. 

For a basic channel, Amazon IVS delivers the original input quality to viewers. See "What output streams does Amazon IVS produce?" FAQ for more details.

Note: The maximum input for a basic channel type is 1.5 Mbps for 480p resolution (SD), and 3.5 Mbps for 720p (HD) or 1080p (Full HD) resolutions. The maximum input for advanced and standard channel types is 8.5 Mbps and 1080p resolution (Full HD). The maximum input for standard channel with Multitrack Video enabled is 15 Mbps and 1080p resolution (Full HD).

All streams sent to Amazon IVS incur video input costs, even if they are not viewed. Video input usage is metered and rounded up to the nearest minute.
For video inputs with Low-Latency Streaming, you pay for the duration of live video sent to Amazon Interactive Video Service.

Channel type Price per hour Price per hour with Multitrack Video
Standard $2.00 $0.50
Advanced HD $0.85  
Advanced SD $0.50  
Basic $0.20  

Live Video Output Costs

For video output with Low-Latency Streaming, you pay an hourly rate for video delivered to viewers. Rates vary by resolution or audio-only, and billing region that the content is delivered from.

Video output costs are tiered, so per hour rates decrease as usage increases. The billing region for the hourly output rate is determined by the location of the servers that viewers watching the streams connect to. This is usually, but not always their closest geographical region. Amazon IVS attempts to deliver streams from an optimal location for each viewer for better stream performance and lower latency. The billing region is NOT where the channel configuration is created or the location of where the stream is sent to or ingested into Amazon IVS. For example, viewers in New York City are billed against the North America billing region while viewers in São Paulo are billed against the South America billing region.

Video output is metered and rounded up to the nearest second.

* South America includes: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Colombia
** South East Asia includes: Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand
  • North America
  • Regional cost per hour delivered from North America
    Hours delivered per month Audio-only SD HD Full HD
    First 10,000 hours $0.0072 $0.0360 $0.0720 $0.1440
    Next 40,000 hours $0.0066 $0.0330 $0.0660 $0.1320
    Next 100,000 hours $0.0060 $0.0300 $0.0600 $0.1200
    Next 350,000 hours $0.0056 $0.0280 $0.0560 $0.1120
    Over 500,000 hours $0.0048 $0.0240 $0.0480 $0.0960
  • Europe
  • Regional cost per hour delivered from Europe
    Hours delivered per month Audio-only SD HD Full HD
    First 10,000 hours $0.0072 $0.0360 $0.0720 $0.1440
    Next 40,000 hours $0.0066 $0.0330 $0.0660 $0.1320
    Next 100,000 hours $0.0060 $0.0300 $0.0600 $0.1200
    Next 350,000 hours $0.0056 $0.0280 $0.0560 $0.1120
    Over 500,000 hours $0.0048 $0.0240 $0.0480 $0.0960
  • South America*
  • Regional cost per hour delivered from South America*
    Hours delivered per month Audio-only SD HD Full HD
    First 10,000 hours $0.0084 $0.0420 $0.0840 $0.1680
    Next 40,000 hours $0.0078 $0.0390 $0.0780 $0.1560
    Next 100,000 hours $0.0070 $0.0350 $0.0700 $0.1400
    Next 350,000 hours $0.0064 $0.0320 $0.0640 $0.1280
    Over 500,000 hours $0.0056 $0.0280 $0.0560 $0.1120
  • Japan, Hong Kong, and South East Asia**
  • Regional cost per hour delivered from Japan, Hong Kong, and South East Asia**
    Hours delivered per month Audio-only SD HD Full HD
    First 10,000 hours $0.0092 $0.0460 $0.0920 $0.1840
    Next 40,000 hours $0.0084 $0.0420 $0.0840 $0.1680
    Next 100,000 hours $0.0078 $0.0390 $0.0780 $0.1560
    Next 350,000 hours $0.0070 $0.0350 $0.0700 $0.1400
    Over 500,000 hours $0.0062 $0.0310 $0.0620 $0.1240
  • Taiwan
  • Regional cost per hour delivered from Taiwan
    Hours delivered per month Audio-only SD HD Full HD
    First 10,000 hours $0.0092 $0.0460 $0.0920 $0.1840
    Next 40,000 hours $0.0084 $0.0420 $0.0840 $0.1680
    Next 100,000 hours $0.0078 $0.0390 $0.0780 $0.1560
    Next 350,000 hours $0.0070 $0.0350 $0.0700 $0.1400
    Over 500,000 hours $0.0062 $0.0310 $0.0620 $0.1240
  • South Korea
  • Regional cost per hour delivered from South Korea
    Hours delivered per month Audio-only SD HD Full HD
    First 10,000 hours $0.0125 $0.0625 $0.1250 $0.2500
    Next 40,000 hours $0.0118 $0.0590 $0.1180 $0.2360
    Next 100,000 hours $0.0114 $0.0570 $0.1140 $0.2280
    Next 350,000 hours $0.0111 $0.0555 $0.1110 $0.2220
    Over 500,000 hours $0.0107 $0.0535 $0.1070 $0.2140
  • Australia
  • Regional cost per hour delivered from Australia
    Hours delivered per month Audio-only SD HD Full HD
    First 10,000 hours $0.0100 $0.0500 $0.1000 $0.2000
    Next 40,000 hours $0.0094 $0.0470 $0.0940 $0.1880
    Next 100,000 hours $0.0086 $0.0430 $0.0860 $0.1720
    Next 350,000 hours $0.0078 $0.0390 $0.0780 $0.1560
    Over 500,000 hours $0.0068 $0.0340 $0.0680 $0.1360
  • India
  • Regional cost per hour delivered from India
    Hours delivered per month Audio-only SD HD Full HD
    First 10,000 hours $0.0092 $0.0460 $0.0920 $0.1840
    Next 40,000 hours $0.0084 $0.0420 $0.0840 $0.1680
    Next 100,000 hours $0.0078 $0.0390 $0.0780 $0.1560
    Next 350,000 hours $0.0070 $0.0350 $0.0700 $0.1400
    Over 500,000 hours $0.0062 $0.0310 $0.0620 $0.1240

Real-Time Streaming

For participant hours with Real-Time Streaming, you pay an hourly rate for the duration each host or viewer is connected to the resource called a "stage" as a participant. For example, if four hosts are connected to the stage ("on stage") and 100 viewers are connected to the stage (watching the stage) for a two-hour event, you would be billed for 208 participant hours (Host=(4*2=8+ Viewers=(100*2=200) = 208 participant hours)

If a host is sending or receiving only audio content to/from a stage, or a viewer is receiving only audio from a stage, you are charged the audio-only participant hour rate. This is 1/10th of the standard rate. Audio-only usage is evaluated per minute, and hosts and viewers will be charged the audio-only rate if they send or receive audio-only content for the entire minute.

When broadcasting the stage to a channel, you have the option of client-side composition at no extra cost or server-side composition which incurs an additional hourly rate.

Participant costs are tiered, so per hour rates decrease as usage increases. The billing region for the hourly rate is determined by the location of host's or viewer's connection to the stage resource. This is usually, but not always their closest geographical region. Amazon IVS attempts to connect participants from an optimal location for each host or viewer for better performance. The billing region is NOT where the stage configuration is created. For example, participants in San Francisco are billed against the North America billing region while participants in Mumbai are billed against the India billing region.

If only one host is connected to a stage with no viewers connected, you are still charged for one participant per hour. If no participants (hosts or viewers) are connected to a stage, you are not billed for that stage. Participant hours are metered and rounded up to the nearest second.

* South America includes: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Colombia
** South East Asia includes: Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand
  • North America
  • Regional cost per hour of participant connection from North America
    Participant hours per month Cost per participant hour Cost per audio-only participant hour
    First 10,000 hours $0.0720 $0.0072
    Next 40,000 hours $0.0660 $0.0066
    Next 100,000 hours $0.0600 $0.0060
    Next 350,000 hours $0.0560 $0.0056
    Over 500,000 hours $0.0480 $0.0048
  • Europe
  • Regional cost per hour of participant connection from Europe
    Participant hours per month Cost per participant hour Cost per audio-only participant hour
    First 10,000 hours $0.0720 $0.0072
    Next 40,000 hours $0.0660 $0.0066
    Next 100,000 hours $0.0600 $0.0060
    Next 350,000 hours $0.0560 $0.0056
    Over 500,000 hours $0.0480 $0.0048
  • South America*
  • Regional cost per hour of participant connection from South America*
    Participant hours per month Cost per participant hour Cost per audio-only participant hour
    First 10,000 hours $0.0840 $0.0084
    Next 40,000 hours $0.0780 $0.0078
    Next 100,000 hours $0.0700 $0.0070
    Next 350,000 hours $0.0640 $0.0064
    Over 500,000 hours $0.0560 $0.0056
  • Japan, Hong Kong, and South East Asia**
  • Regional cost per hour of participant connection from Japan, Hong Kong, and South East Asia**
    Participant hours per month Cost per participant hour Cost per audio-only participant hour
    First 10,000 hours $0.0920 $0.0092
    Next 40,000 hours $0.0840 $0.0084
    Next 100,000 hours $0.0780 $0.0078
    Next 350,000 hours $0.0700 $0.0070
    Over 500,000 hours $0.0620 $0.0062
  • Taiwan
  • Regional cost per hour of participant connection from Taiwan
    Participant hours per month Cost per participant hour Cost per audio-only participant hour
    First 10,000 hours $0.0920 $0.0092
    Next 40,000 hours $0.0840 $0.0084
    Next 100,000 hours $0.0780 $0.0078
    Next 350,000 hours $0.0700 $0.0070
    Over 500,000 hours $0.0620 $0.0062
  • South Korea
  • Regional cost per hour of participant connection from South Korea
    Participant hours per month Cost per participant hour Cost per audio-only participant hour
    First 10,000 hours $0.1250 $0.0125
    Next 40,000 hours $0.1180 $0.0118
    Next 100,000 hours $0.1140 $0.0114
    Next 350,000 hours $0.1110 $0.0111
    Over 500,000 hours $0.1070 $0.0107
  • Australia
  • Regional cost per hour of participant connection from Australia
    Participant hours per month Cost per participant hour Cost per audio-only participant hour
    First 10,000 hours $0.1000 $0.0100
    Next 40,000 hours $0.0940 $0.0094
    Next 100,000 hours $0.0860 $0.0086
    Next 350,000 hours $0.0780 $0.0078
    Over 500,000 hours $0.0680 $0.0068
  • India
  • Regional cost per hour of participant connection from India
    Participant hours per month Cost per participant hour Cost per audio-only participant hour
    First 10,000 hours $0.0920 $0.0092
    Next 40,000 hours $0.0840 $0.0084
    Next 100,000 hours $0.0780 $0.0078
    Next 350,000 hours $0.0700 $0.0070
    Over 500,000 hours $0.0620 $0.0062

Server-side Composition

For server-side composition, you pay an hourly rate for the video encoded. Encoding hourly rates vary by resolution: SD, HD, and Full HD. The composited video can then be sent to a destination, such as an IVS channel (to reach a larger audience) or Amazon S3 for storage and video on-demand (VOD) viewing. If you send video to an IVS channel, you pay the normal rates for video input and output of your channel. If you store the video in Amazon S3, standard storage and request costs are incurred.

Encoding Price per rendition per hour
SD $0.15
HD $0.30
Full HD $0.60

Message Costs

For the Amazon IVS Chat feature, you pay for messages sent and messages delivered. You incur a charge for each message sent using the Amazon IVS Chat Messaging API. Requests to SendMessage, SendEvent, DeleteMessage, or DisconnectUser are all charged at the same rate (see Documentation for all API request types). Message delivered costs are charged per message delivered to connected chat rooms. For example, if a chat user sends two messages while 1,000 users are connected to the chat room, that would result in 2,000 delivered messages.

For every hour of video input sent to Low-Latency Streaming channels, you get 2,700 sent messages and 270,000 delivered messages at no cost. For example, if five hours of video input are sent, you would get 13,500 messages sent and 1,350,000 messages delivered without any additional cost.

Your total number of video input hours sent is summed across all of your channels during a month and results in a number of free messages sent and delivered. Those free counts are subtracted from your total number of messages sent and delivered for that month.

  Price (per 1,000)
Messages sent $0.560
Messages delivered $0.008

AWS Free Usage Tier

As part of the AWS Free Usage Tier, you can get started with Amazon Interactive Video Service for free. Upon initial sign-up for an AWS account, new AWS customers receive five hours of live video input for a basic channel, 100 hours of SD live video output, 20 participant hours, 13,500 messages sent, and 270,000 messages delivered each month for the first 12 months.

Your usage for the free tier is calculated each month, is aggregated across all stream delivery locations, and is automatically applied to your bill—unused monthly usage will not roll over. Restrictions apply; see offer terms for more details.


Pricing Examples

  • The total cost of a two-hour event with standard input at 1080p and delivered to 200 viewers from the US who watch 50% of the event (100 viewers in SD, 50 viewers in HD, and 50 viewers in Full HD) is $18.40.

    Live Video Input:
    Standard channel = $2.00 per hour * 2 hours = $4.00

    Live Video Output:
    SD output from North America = $0.0360 per hour * 2 hours * 100 viewers * 50% viewed =$3.60
    HD output from North America = $0.0720 per hour * 2 hours * 50 viewers * 50% viewed = $3.60
    Full HD output from North America = $0.1440 per hour * 2 hours * 50 viewers * 50% viewed = $7.20

    $4.00 + $3.75 + $3.75 + $7.50 = $18.40

  • The total cost of a two-hour event with Multitrack Video enabled on a standard channel, and delivered to 200 viewers from the US who watch 50% of the event (100 viewers in SD, 75 viewers in HD, and 25 viewers in Full HD) is $13.60.

    Live Video Input:
    Standard channel with Multitrack Video = $0.50 per hour * 2 hours = $1.00

    Live Video Output:
    SD output from North America = $0.0360 per hour * 2 hours * 100 viewers * 50% viewed = $3.60
    HD output from North America = $0.0720 per hour * 2 hours * 75 viewers * 50% viewed = $5.40
    Full HD output from North America = $0.1440 per hour * 2 hours * 25 viewers * 50% viewed = $3.60

    $1.00 + $3.60 + $5.40+ $3.60 = $13.60

  • The total cost of a two-hour event with an advanced HD channel type input at 720p and delivered to 200 viewers from the US who watch 50% of the event (100 viewers in SD, and 100 viewers in HD) is $12.50.

    Live Video Input:
    Advanced HD channel = $0.85 per hour * 2 hours = $1.70

    Live Video Output:
    SD output from North America = $0.0360 per hour * 2 hours * 100 viewers * 50% viewed = $3.60
    HD output from North America = $0.0720 per hour * 2 hours * 100 viewers * 50% viewed = $7.20

    $1.70 + $3.60 + $7.20 = $12.50

  • For a two-hour event with standard input at 1080p and delivered to 100 viewers from the US, 50 viewers from Brazil, and 50 viewers from Australia who each watch 50% of the event.

    Total of 200 viewers with this breakdown:
    In the US 50 viewers in SD, 25 viewers in HD, and 25 viewers in Full HD
    In Brazil 25 viewers in SD, 15 viewers in HD, and 10 viewers in Full HD
    In Australia 25 viewers in SD, 15 viewers in HD, and 10 viewers in Full HD
    The total cost is $19.54.

    Live Video Input:
    Standard channel = $2.00 per hour * 2 hours = $4.00

    Live Video Output:
    SD output from North America = $0.0360 per hour * 2 hours * 50 viewers * 50% viewed = $1.80
    HD output from North America = $0.0720 per hour * 2 hours * 25 viewers * 50% viewed = $1.80
    Full HD output from North America = $0.1440 per hour * 2 hours * 25 viewers * 50% viewed = $3.60
    $1.80 + $1.80 + $3.60= $7.20

    SD output from Brazil = $0.0420 per hour * 2 hours * 25 viewers * 50% viewed = $1.05
    HD output from Brazil = $0.0840 per hour * 2 hours * 15 viewers * 50% viewed = $1.26
    Full HD output from Brazil = $0.1680 per hour * 2 hours * 10 viewers * 50% viewed = $1.68
    $1.05 + $1.26 + $1.68 = $3.99

    SD output from Australia = $0.0500 per hour * 2 hours * 25 viewers * 50% viewed = $1.25
    HD output from Australia = $0.1000 per hour * 2 hours * 15 viewers * 50% viewed = $1.50
    Full HD output from Australia = $0.2000 per hour * 2 hours * 10 viewers * 50% viewed = $2.00
    $1.25 + $1.50 + $2.00 = $4.75

    $4.00 + $6.80 + $3.99 + $4.75 = $19.54

  • The total cost for ten two-hour real-time-streaming events, each with two hosts and 100 viewers who watch 100% of the event, all connected from the US is $146.88

    Participant hours:

    2 hosts + 100 viewers = 102 participants
    102 participants * 10 events * 2 hours = 2,040 participant hours
    2,040 participant hours * $0.072 per hour = $146.88


  • For examples one and two, if you add chat alongside the live video with 5,000 messages sent and 500,000 messages delivered during the two hour event, you would only incur charges for the live video input and outputs. There would be no additional cost for the messages sent and delivered.

    Two hours of Live Video Input includes 5,400 messages sent (2 * 2,700) and 540,000 messages delivered (2 * 270,000) at no additional cost.

    If you use the chat feature independently and are not using Amazon IVS for the live video, the total cost is $6.80.

    5,000 messages sent = 5000 * $0.56 per 1000 = $2.80
    500,000 messages delivered = 500,000 * $0.008 per 1000 = $4.00

    $2.80 + $4.00 = $6.80

  • If you have two hosts connected from the US using a Real-Time Stream, you incur charges for the hosts participating i.e. that are connected to the stage. You are also charged video input and output rates for the low-latency channel the stage is broadcasted to for the viewing audience. When broadcasting the stage to a channel, you have the option of client-side composition at no extra cost or server-side composition which incurs an additional hourly rate. The pricing below illustrates costs with client-side and server-side composition, and for the server-side composition example assumes that the generated video is Full HD.
    Multiple Hosts:
    $0.072 per hour * 2 participants * 2 hours = $0.288
    Live Video Input:
    Standard channel = $2.00 per hour * 2 hours = $4.00
    Live Video Output:
    SD output from North America = $0.0360 per hour * 2 hours * 100 viewers * 50% viewed = $3.60
    HD output from North America = $0.0720 per hour * 2 hours * 50 viewers * 50% viewed = $3.60
    Full HD output from North America = $0.1440 per hour * 2 hours * 50 viewers * 50% viewed = $7.20
    Server-side Composition (optional):
    $0.60 per hour * 2 hours = $1.20
    Client-side composition: $0.288 + $4.00 + $3.60 + $3.60 + $7.20 = $18.688
    Server-side composition: $0.288 + $4.00 + $3.60 + $3.60 + $7.20 + $1.20 = $19.888
  • The total cost for a one hour Real-Time Stream audio-only room with 8 hosts and 1,000 listeners, all connected from the US, is $7.26.

    Participant hours:
    8 hosts + 1,000 listeners = 1,008 participants
    1,008 participants * 1 hour = 1,008 participant hours

    1,008 participant hours * $0.0072 per hour = $7.26