Getting started with Amazon MSK
Why MSK?
Getting started with Amazon MSK is easy. Within the Amazon MSK console, CLI, or SDK, provide your subnets that you want your Amazon MSK cluster to privately connect to, specify the number of brokers and the storage you need per broker, and create your Amazon MSK cluster.
For detailed step-by-step instructions, see Getting Started in the Amazon MSK documentation.
Getting started
How it works
You can learn about how Amazon MSK works in the What is Amazon MSK section of our documentation.
Get started
In the Getting Started guide, our tutorial shows you how to set up for an Amazon MSK cluster, download libraries and tools, create the cluster, produce and consume data.
- Provides a conceptual overview of Amazon MSK and includes detailed instructions for using the service.
- Describes the API resources and operations for Amazon MSK. Also provides sample requests, responses, and errors for the supported web services protocols.
AWS re:Invent 2018: [NEW LAUNCH!] Amazon MSK (44:21)
Introduction to Amazon MSK - AWS online tech talks (38:01)