Migrate to Amazon ElastiCache

Amazon ElastiCache makes it easy to set up, manage, and scale distributed in-memory cache environments in the AWS Cloud. It provides a high performance, resizable, and cost-effective in-memory cache, while removing complexity associated with deploying and managing a distributed cache environment. Amazon ElastiCache is Redis OSS- and Memcached-compatible 

On this page you will find the resources to move your data to fully-managed Amazon ElastiCache service.

Migration guides

Online Migrations
Step-by-step guidance for migrating data in real-time on cluster-mode disabled configuration.

Migration best practices and hands-on demo »
Learn best practices for migrating self-managed Redis OSS clusters from Amazon EC2 to ElastiCache

Migration preparation and hands-on demo »
Learn how you can get started with an easy demo

Offline Migrations

Migrating from self-hosted Redis OSS to Amazon ElastiCache »
Learn how to perform an offline migration.

Customer migration stories

The Pokémon Company Migrates to AWS Purpose-Built Databases

Learn how Pokémon Company International decided to make changes to the infrastructure of their Pokémon Trainer Club, supported by a third-party NoSQL document database for more than 300 million Pokémon GO users.

As part of those changes, Pokémon moved user caching to Amazon ElastiCache, taking advantage of both Redis and Memcached. Redis queues tasks for new users, so they can be prompted to complete post-authentication tasks such as accepting terms and conditions. Memcached helps keep tickets live so that existing users’ sessions are not interrupted when new users join.

Airbnb's Journey from Self-Managed Redis to ElastiCache (30:04)
Airbnb's Journey from Self-Managed Redis to ElastiCache

Learn how Airbnb migrated from self-hosted Redis on Amazon EC2 to ElastiCache with zero downtime.

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Looking to migrate to ElastiCache?

Explore resources to learn more about how to migrate to Amazon ElastiCache.

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Start building on the console

Get started building with Amazon ElastiCache on the AWS Management Console.

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