Getting started with Amazon GameLift Servers

Purpose-built to power the world’s most demanding games

Begin your journey

Follow the steps to use the Amazon GameLift SDKs available for custom engines developed on C#, C++, and Go.

C++ Server SDK

The C++ Server SDK allows game developers using C++ to integrate custom Windows or Linux game servers with Amazon GameLift.

C++ Server SDK Plugin for Unreal

A lightweight Unreal plugin for C++ Server SDK that offers easy integration with projects built on Unreal Engine.

C# Server SDK

The C# Server SDK allows game developers using C# to integrate custom Windows or Linux game servers with Amazon GameLift.

C# Server SDK Plugin for Unity

A lightweight Unity plugin for C# Server SDK that offers easy integration with Unity projects that supports Unity 2020.3 LTS, 2021.3 LTS and 2022.3 LTS for Windows and Mac OS. It supports both Unity’s .NET Framework and .NET Standard profiles.

The Go Server SDK allows game developers using Go programing language to integrate custom Windows or Linux game servers with Amazon GameLift.


The Amazon GameLift Realtime Client SDK allows your lightweight multiplayer games to communicate with your Amazon GameLift Realtime game servers using TCP or UDP. The Realtime Client SDK includes a C# client that can be used with Unity 2020 and custom C# game engines.