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Cisco Secure Firewall Management Center Virtual - BYOL

Cisco Systems, Inc. | 7.6.0-113

Linux/Unix, Other 7.6.0-113 - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

Reviews from AWS Marketplace

7 AWS reviews

1-star reviews ( Show all reviews )


Followed instructions - don't work

  • April 10, 2018
  • Review verified by AWS Marketplace

Spun up,went all ok, can ping the device.
Tried to access via ssh and used admin user like so:
ssh -l admin -i .pem

Asks for password - cannot access VM.

Instructions in AMI description to not work:
Connect to your instance using an SSH client, and the private SSH key selected or created earlier in these steps. Example: ssh -i mykeypair.pem 12. If you need management access to your FMCv from outside of your VPC, you will need to create an Elastic IP and associate it with one of the FMCv network interfaces. 13. Once SSH has connected, you may begin configuring your instance.


Cant even login

  • March 20, 2018
  • Review verified by AWS Marketplace

Prompts for password, default Admin123 does not work.
Server refused certificate key. Unable to access CLI/HTTPS.

Dont bother calling Cisco, would not assist.


You just cant access 6.2 version

  • April 07, 2017
  • Review verified by AWS Marketplace

No web access, ssh always ask for password if you follow instruction on cisco site with static password set up it do not work... it looks this version do not work for management vm...

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