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SSH problem

  • By Petrit
  • on 12/07/2022

Please check SSH port, because I cannot ssh to new version of kali. Even if i open port in Security Group, I cannot ssh

  • By anonymous
  • on 10/19/2023

if you are doing ssh from a linux or mac, use chmod 600 on the pem file that you created or used during the launch. then run the command ssh -i <key file name>.pem kali@<your public ip>

  • By stuven
  • on 10/13/2023

I had a similar problem, but it was solved. You must manually change the security group and add ssh port 22 to the input rules.

  • By tmac
  • on 03/13/2023

Would be nice if they would comment back. Just spun up an instance and cannot ssh on port 22 port 22: Connection refused