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AWS and Brexit
The UK has left the EU ("Brexit"). We don't expect Brexit to impact our customers' use of AWS or cause any interruption to our supply of services.
Customers can continue to transfer personal data into and out of our AWS Regions throughout the European Economic Area (“EEA”) and the UK, just as they did before Brexit. Here’s how:
Transfers from the EEA to the UK. On June 28, 2021, the EU formally adopted adequacy decisions for the UK. These decisions allow for the ongoing free flow of personal data from the EEA to the UK without the need for additional safeguards, including Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs). This is relevant for customers wanting to transfer personal data from the EEA to our AWS London Region.
Transfers from the UK to the EEA. The UK Government formally confirmed in the UK Data Protection Act 2018 that the EEA is adequate for personal data flows from the UK without the need for additional safeguards, including SCCs. This is relevant for customers wishing to transfer personal data from the UK to the EEA (including to our AWS Frankfurt, Ireland, Milan, Paris and Stockholm Regions).
You can read the UK Government’s guidance on data flows between the UK and the EEA
If you have any further questions about using AWS after Brexit, please Contact Us.