Amazon Q Business pricing

Subscription pricing

With Amazon Q Business, you pay for user subscriptions and index capacity. Amazon Q Business pricing offers two subscription models—Amazon Q Business Lite and Amazon Q Business Pro—so you can choose the right plan for everyone in your company.

Amazon Q Business Lite

$3 per user/mo.

The Amazon Q Business Lite subscription provides users access to basic functionality such as asking questions and receiving permission-aware responses.

 Securely connect Amazon Q Business to your business knowledge and data
 Receive permission-aware responses in a conversational interface (responses up to approximately one page)
 Use secure and seamless sign-on with enterprise login

Amazon Q Business Pro

$20 per user/mo.

The Amazon Q Business Pro subscription provides users access to the full suite of Amazon Q Business capabilities, including access to Amazon Q Apps, and Amazon Q in QuickSight (Reader Pro).

 Securely connect Amazon Q Business to your business knowledge and data
 Receive permission-aware responses in a conversational interface (responses up to approximately seven pages)
 Use secure and seamless sign-on with enterprise login
 Create new content quickly
 Gain fast insights on your uploaded files
 Gain data insights with Amazon Q in QuickSight (Reader Pro)
 Extend capabilities with custom plugins

Amazon Q Apps:

 Easily create, publish, and share apps
 Choose the data sources for each app card
 Create and consume Amazon Q Apps outputs with APIs

Index pricing

Amazon Q Business offers two index types for production and proof of concept (PoC) workloads. You are charged for index units per hour depending on the type of index and the number of units. You can increase or decrease the number of units based on the number of documents you want to index. Note that once an index is created you will incur charges for it regardless of whether you have utilized any document capacity within that index. You can delete the index to stop the charges.

The Starter Index is deployed in a single Availability Zone, making it ideal for PoCs and developer workloads.

  • Priced at $0.140 per hour for one unit (limit five units per application)
  • One unit includes:
    • 100 hours of connector usage per month
    • 20,000 documents or 200 MB of extracted text, whichever comes first

The Enterprise Index is deployed across three Availability Zones, making it best for production workloads.

  • Priced at $0.264 per hour for one unit
  • One unit includes:
    • 100 hours of connector usage per month
    • 20,000 documents or 200 MB of extracted text, whichever comes first

Free trial

The free trial terms for Amazon Q Business and Amazon Q in QuickSight are as follows. 

Free Trial terms

Amazon Q Business user subscriptions (Amazon Q Business Pro and Lite)

Amazon Q Business offers a 60-day free trial for up to 50 Amazon Q Business Pro or Lite users per application

Amazon Q Business Index (Enterprise and Starter)
Free trial of 1,500 index hours per application to be used in 60 days
Amazon Q in QuickSight user subscription (Amazon Q Business Pro)

30-day free trial for up to 4 users per Amazon QuickSight account


Note the following about free trials:

  • For customers subscribing the same user to both products with an Amazon Q Business Pro subscription, the free trial for that users will end whenever the first free trial expires. For example, if a user is added to an Amazon Q Business application and a QuickSight account at the same time through an Amazon Q Business Pro subscription, their free trial will end after 30 days. As another example, if a user is added to an Amazon Q Business application on day 1 with an Amazon Q Business Pro subscription and later added to a QuickSight account on day 15, then their free trial will end on day 45. 
  • A free trial applies per user. If a user has used their free trial in one Amazon Q Business application or QuickSight account, they will not get a second free trial in another application.
  • Amazon Q Business has a limit of 1 free-trial application per AWS Payer account. Each free-trial application includes 50 users and 1500 index hours to be used in 60 days as explained above. 

Pricing examples

Example 1:

You are an enterprise company with 5,000 employees looking to deploy Amazon Q Business. You decide to purchase Amazon Q Business Lite for 4,500 users and Amazon Q Business Pro for 500 users. You have 1 million enterprise documents across sources like SharePoint, Confluence, and ServiceNow that need indexing with an Enterprise Index. Your monthly charges will be as follows:

Enterprise Index for 1M documents will need 50 index units of 20K capacity each (assuming that the extracted text size of 1M documents is less than 200 MB * 50 units = 10 GB) :

  • $0.264 per hour * 50 units * 24 hours * 30 days = $9,504

User subscriptions:

  • 4,500 users * $3 per user/month = $13,500 
  • 500 users * $20 per user/month = $10,000
  • Total user subscriptions: $23,500

In summary, your monthly charges are as follows::

  • Enterprise Index: $9,504
  • User subscriptions: $23,500
  • Total per month: $33,004

Example 2:

In the preceding scenario, you decided to upgrade 300 of the Lite users to Amazon Q Business Pro, considering that those employees could benefit from the advanced features. Additionally, you decided to cancel Amazon Q Lite subscriptions for 10 users who left the company. You made these changes on the 10th day of the month. Upgrades are prorated, and downgrades/cancellations apply starting next month. Therefore, for the remainder of that month, you will be charged the full monthly rate for the 4,200 Lite users. The 500 Pro users will also be billed for the full month. The 300 upgraded users will be prorated, with 10 days billed at the Lite rate and 20 days at the upgraded Pro rate. 

Therefore, for the current month, your user subscription charges are as follows:

  •  $3 * 4,200 + $20 * 500 + [$3 * (10/30) + $20 * (20/30)] * 300 = $26,900

Starting next month, you will have (4,500 - 300 - 10 = 4,190) users with Lite and (500 + 300 = 800) users with Pro. Therefore, your charges from the next month are as follows:

  • $3 * 4,190 + $20 * 800 = $28,570 per month

Since you didn’t change anything on index capacity, your index charges remain the same at $9,360 per month.

In summary, your monthly charges starting next month are as follows:

  • Enterprise Index: $9,360
  • User subscriptions: $28,570
  • Total per month: $37,930

Example 3:

You have 1,000 employees at your company. Your IT team uses Amazon Q Business to answer employee questions. They assigned Amazon Q Business Lite subscriptions to all 1,000 employees. The IT help desk chatbot contains 10,000 documents.

Separately, your sales team uses Amazon Q Business for 100 sales reps to help them answer customer questions, create presentations, and implement actions using plugins. You assigned these 100 sellers the Amazon Q Business Pro plan. Their sales chatbot contains 200,000 documents. You granted the sales team access to QuickSight so that they can create documents and presentations using sales data, access dashboards with natural language data summaries, and ask questions about the data.

With Amazon Q Business, subscriptions are deduplicated, and users are charged once for the highest tier. So, the 100 sales reps are charged at the Pro rate, while the 900 other employees are charged at the Lite rate. Amazon Q Business users are charged separately across each AWS IAM Identity Center instance, so all applications must use the same IAM Identity Center instance to be charged only once per user.

Your monthly user charges are as follows:

  • 100 users at $20 Pro rate: 100 * $20 = $2,000
  • 900 users at $3 Lite rate: 900 * $3 = $2,700
  • Total user subscriptions: $2,000 + $2,700 = $4,700

For indexing, you have two separate apps: the 10K document IT chatbot and the 200K document sales chatbot.

The IT chatbot requires 1 index unit at $0.264 * 24 hours * 30 days * 1 unit = $190.08 per month.

The larger sales chatbot needs 10 index units at $0.264 * 24 hours * 30 days * 10 units = $1,900.80 per month.

In total, your estimated monthly charges are as follows:

  • User subscriptions: $4,700
  • IT chatbot index: $190.08
  • Sales chatbot index: $1,900.80
  • Amazon Q in QuickSight enablement fee: $250/month/account
  • Total per month: $4,700 + $190.08 + $1,900.8 +$250 = $7040.88

Note: User subscriptions are created per Amazon Q Business application or QuickSight account. Each admin can independently create, update, or delete subscriptions for users for their specific Amazon Q Business application or QuickSight account. For applications using IAM Identity Center, AWS will deduplicate subscriptions across all Amazon Q Business applications and QuickSight accounts, and charge each user only once for their highest subscription level. Note that deduplication will apply only if the Amazon Q Business applications and QuickSight accounts share the same IAM Identity Center instance. Users subscribed to Q Business applications using IAM federation, will be charged once per IAM identity provider for OIDC-based as well as SAML-based applications. For example, if a user is subscribed to five different Q Business applications all associated with the same IAM identity provider, that user will be charged once. However, if the Q Business applications are associated with five IAM identity providers, the user will be charged five times. In scenarios where a user is subscribed to a mix of applications, the charging structure is as follows: 1. For applications using IAM Identity Center, users will be charged once across all these applications that share the same IAM Identity Center Instance. 2. For applications using IAM federation, users will be charged once per IAM identity provider. The User subscriptions are prorated when created or upgraded based on the number of days left in the calendar month. Any cancellations or downgrades are not prorated and apply starting in the next calendar month. The charges for user subscription starts only after first use by the user. After a user's first use, subscription charges will continue each month until the user's subscriptions have been removed.