Cloud Computing for U.S. Defense

Securely supporting U.S. Defense mission success

Register now for 'OMB, FISMA & CISA Zero Trust Data Compliance: Insights from Federal Cyber Experts,' an online webinar on how Zero Trust data security, powered by XQ and AWS, helps U.S. government agencies meet the stringent requirements of OMB and DoD Zero Trust mandates, FISMA, and CISA regulations | March 11 at 2:00 PM ET / 11:00 AM PT


Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability (JWCC) is the newest way AWS serves DoD customers

Learn more about JWCC 

Mission focused solutions

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a global infrastructure and secure, scalable, and mission-focused solutions that helps the Department of Defense (DoD) meet mission, drive efficiencies, increase innovation, and secure critical workloads. At AWS, we focus on our customers and what their mission demands, letting that define and guide our efforts. The AWS Cloud is uniquely positioned to provide scalable solutions to DoD customers, whether through tactical edge solutions, mission networking, artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML), high performance computing (HPC), or other capabilities.

AWS Partner Network solutions

DoD customers can also work with our AWS Partner Network (APN) to build solutions. The APN provides an extensive community of partner companies that offer solutions in areas such as software, developer tools, and consulting expertise to help deploy and manage mission-critical workloads in the AWS Cloud.

AWS Partner Network solutions

How AWS can help your mission

Rapid and secure mission delivery and cybersecurity

To outpace our adversaries, warfighters need modern software—innovations to meet changes in the environment and that meet shifting battlefield priorities, rapidly and securely. This same software needs to work reliably, even as it modernizes—and without vulnerability to cyberattack. AWS helps you get there with landing zones, infrastructure as code, and DevSecOps architectural guidance. 

Rapid and secure mission delivery and cybersecurity

Evolve Command and Control with the cloud

As the U.S. Military moves to embrace Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2), AWS is uniquely positioned to deliver reliable cloud capability.

We’re supporting mission success for the DoD across the Mission Partner Environment—the framework enabling command and control across the full range of military operations.

AWS is supporting each service’s JADC2 initiative, including recently participating in testing edge computing capabilities for the Air Force’s Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS).

Evolve Command and Control with the cloud

Featured case study

US Army provides anywhere-to-anywhere care in combat situations using AWS Wickr

The US Army Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC) delivers lifesaving telemedicine through the National Emergency Tele-Critical Care Network (NETCCN), built using AWS Wickr and AWS Private 5G. This solution empowers TATRC to deliver care virtually anywhere in response to pandemics, natural disasters, and other acute events.

Read the case study 
Kansas City collaborates with Rubicon
View all case studies 

AWS Modular Data Center for U.S. Department of Defense JWCC contract customers

AWS Modular Data Center allows the DoD to deploy self-contained data centers with built-in AWS infrastructure to locations with limited infrastructure. It supports both AWS Outposts racks or AWS Snow Family, and can be scaled through the deployment of additional modular data center units. AWS Modular Data Center reduces the time and resources it takes to build data centers for large-scale missions at the tactical edge.

AWS Modular Data Center for U.S. Department of Defense JWCC contract customers

Build with an AWS Partner

Looking for support for building or deploying solutions in the cloud? AWS Partners are trusted technology providers and consulting experts that offer a wide variety of cloud-based solutions.

Innovate with AWS Partners

Browse solutions for Defense & National Security

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Take the next step

There are several ways to get started with AWS. Contact us for personalized guidance. Or, explore any of the resources below.


Get started with AWS Marketplace

Our curated digital catalog makes it easy for organizations to discover, procure, entitle, provision, and govern third-party software. You can find thousands of software listings from popular categories like security, business applications, and data and analytics, and across specific industries, such as healthcare, financial services, and public sector.


See how organizations are driving innovation in the cloud

The AWS Cloud provides an opportunity for governments to modernize aging infrastructures and improve operational productivity. The agencies taking advantage of this technology are leading the way on the government’s journey to IT modernization.


Learn how to buy cloud in government

Buying cloud computing services takes different skills and strategies than buying traditional IT. Are you ready to move to the cloud but looking for practical guidance? Our experts at AWS have helped many U.S. Government agency leaders select the right acquisition approach for their organization.

Start building today

Contact our government experts for customized guidance to start your AWS Cloud journey.

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